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Success Stories

My Motivation

My Motivation

Published: Thursday, September 22, 2022

Andrea decided to try the tobacco cessation program at the Tobacco Treatment Research Program (TTRP) to improve her health and ensure that she could be an active part of her grandchildren’s lives. When she began the program, she already had a granddaughter, and her grandson was on the way. She wanted to make this quit attempt count.

Her family was thrilled that she was going to go smoke-free since she had developed breathing issues and was on oxygen 24/7. She had been smoking for over 40 years, and it had caught up with her.

Previous attempts to quit had not been successful. Thankfully, after starting the TTRP tobacco cessation program in September 2021, Andrea was able to stop smoking and stay tobacco-free. Even though Andrea’s close family members still smoke, she has stayed motivated because feeling better equals spending more time with her grandchildren. “My grandchildren keep me motivated. I have been successful this time even though I am around others that smoke each day. I am able to see my grandkids all the time and keep up with my granddaughter.”

Andrea shared that the TTRP provided all of the tools necessary to be successful, such as counseling, check-ins, and supplies. Andrea used nicotine patches that were provided free of charge by the TTRP. “This was my easiest quit attempt ever. I didn’t even need the patches after a few weeks.”

For Andrea, one of the major benefits of being a non-smoker is being able to use the money that she would have normally spent on cigarettes on her grandchildren instead. Additionally, she is no longer dependent on an oxygen tank. She was able to completely wean off oxygen the week before her March completion date with the TTRP tobacco cessation program.

The message Andrea wants to share with others is that this program works, and you will feel so much better. “It isn’t hard. They give you all the tools and support you need. If you want to quit smoking for any reason, you need this program. Just go for it!”

The HPRC’s Tobacco Treatment Research Program (TTRP) offers free tobacco cessation counseling services, nicotine patches, lozenges, or gum; opportunities to participate in paid tobacco cessation research studies involving smartphone apps, prescription medications, and monetary rewards for quitting.

For more information about smoking cessation treatment and participating in research, please call: (405) 271-QUIT (7848), email:, or visit: