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Success Stories

Easiest Cessation Program I Have Ever Done!

Easiest Cessation Program I Have Ever Done!

Published: Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Family obligations and stressful situations at home caused a relapse for Susan after she had quit smoking for several years. Although she tried to stop smoking several times since the reoccurrence, she was not successful until she found an organized program that provided her with the flexibility to have a counseling visit in person or over the phone. This same program provided the nicotine replacement therapy that she needed, such as nicotine patches and lozenges, at no cost. She found just what she was looking for with the Tobacco Treatment Research Program (TTRP).

Susan’s family was the driving force behind her decision to quit smoking. Her husband has been smoke-free for over 20 years, and her daughter, who was a nurse, continued to emphasize the health benefits of quitting smoking. Additionally, when her grandson moved in with them, she knew it would be best if she started the journey to quit smoking again.

As fate would have it, Susan saw an ad on Facebook for the TTRP’s smoking cessation program. She input her information and was contacted the next day. She noted, “It has been the easiest cessation program I have ever done. Not only am I smoke-free again, but they rewarded me for not smoking! Even better, when I needed to visit with a counselor, even if it wasn’t time for one of my appointments, I just picked up the phone, and they were there to help.”

Both the support and nicotine replacement therapy that Susan received from the program was just what she needed to quit smoking, and this time, she feels that she has all the tools to enable her to stay smoke-free.

Her family was so supportive during the process, and they are even happier now because they have seen the difference it has made in her health and stress levels. Her grandson commented how grandma can come out and play and go to the zoo without having to stop and smoke. The positive feelings from her family have been just as rewarding to Susan as quitting smoking itself.

“I feel like I am able to contribute more to the family. We live on a farm, and I am able to pitch in and help with the chores. I didn’t use to be able to do that because I was tired and out of breath all the time,” Susan noted.

Susan offered words of encouragement to others, “You have to try.  You are not a failure unless you don’t try. One time it is going to work; this might be the time. This was the time for me!”