Parent Page: Treatment id: 27751 Active Page: Success Storiesid:29293

Success Stories

Happy Birthday to Me!

December 27th is forever etched in Betsy’s memory. For her 71st birthday, she gave herself an early birthday present–the gift of a healthy, smoke-free life. Betsy received help from the HPRC Tobacco Treatment Research Program (TTRP) and is now smoke-free after over 50 years! Two days before her scheduled quit date, she said, “I decided to give myself an early birthday present, Happy Birthday to me!”

Breaking the Cycle

When Brennan’s son said, “Dad, I’m going to be like you and dip when I get bigger,” he knew he needed to do something to break the cycle.

My Motivation

Andrea decided to try the tobacco cessation program at the Tobacco Treatment Research Program (TTRP) to improve her health and ensure that she could be an active part of her grandchildren’s lives.

Easiest Cessation Program I Have Ever Done!

Family obligations and stressful situations at home caused a relapse for Susan after she had quit smoking for several years. Although she tried to stop smoking several times since the reoccurrence, she was not successful until she found an organized program that provided her with the flexibility to have a counseling visit in person or over the phone.