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InsightTM mHealth Platform Rapidly Design, Evaluate, and Disseminate Mobile Health Studies.

With the InsightTM mHealth platform, researchers can rapidly create, test, and deploy smartphone and tablet-based assessments and interventions.

This versatile platform allows researchers to track momentary changes in key variables from multiple sources including phone-based surveys and sensors (e.g. geolocation, smart watches). This information can be used to initiate and inform novel automated interventions.

Why is InsightTM the best choice for your next research study?


Easily create customizable mobile applications

Mobile Assessment

Rapidly create versatile Ecological Momentary Assessments: EMA features


Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions can be automatically tailored to individual patient needs in real time: JITAI features

Full Featured

Seamless incorporation of assessment and intervention features

Phone App

InsightTM is compatible with smartphones and tablets, and is available in both iPhone and Android™ app stores

Code required to use.


Data are encrypted and easily downloaded

What is InsightTM and the mHealth Platform?

The NCI Designated Stephenson Cancer Center (SCC) mHealth Shared Resource launched the InsightTM mHealth Platform in 2015. InsightTM enables researchers to build, test, and launch technology -based assessment and intervention tools.  Specifically, researchers use our robust InsightTM Platform to create innovative studies that aim to identify and intervene upon environmental, cognitive, affective, physiological, and behavioral antecedents of health risk factors. Users follow step-by-step guidance to create and manage research studies, enroll and monitor study participants, create questionnaire items, create different types of surveys (e.g., baseline, follow-up, random, daily, participant-initiated, sensor-initiated) and create specific assessment rules (e.g., two vs four random assessments per day). Once study parameters and content have been created  (this usually takes 2-6 weeks), researchers test and deploy their study. Data are encrypted within the smartphone application and automatically and securely uploaded into the mHealth server database. Encrypted data can be downloaded from our mHealth servers by approved users at any time. Note that InsightTM  works offline (e.g., in Airplane mode) after initial application download.

To date, our team of computer scientists and engineers have embedded over 1,000 assessment and intervention features into the platform and InsightTM has already supported 110 research studies (over 60 funded by the NIH).

Researchers create and manage studies, enroll participants, and develop Ecological Momentary Assessments (EMAs) and Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAIs) via the InsightTMElectronic Data Capture (EDC) website. The encrypted InsightTM application, available in Android and Apple app stores, ensures security and highly scalability.

How it Works

Create Your Study

You develop your questions and assessments and indicate when they should be asked. You can also develop algorithms that determine when/where/how JITAI content (e.g., text, video, websites) should be delivered.

Recruit Participants

Study participants download the app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Each participant uses a unique code to enroll them into your study.

Retrieve Data

Your study data is easily accessible and available via secure login.

InsightTM Mobile Health Annual Workshop

The annual 3-day InsightTM Mobile Health Workshop will provide training in mHealth study design and the creation and deployment of studies that use smartphone-based ecological momentary assessments (EMA) and just-in-time adaptive interventions (JITAI). The first half of each day will involve discussion of various mHealth/EMA/JITAI topics and study design considerations. The second half of each day will involve hands-on experience with using the InsightTM platform to build an mHealth research study. By the end of the workshop, you will have an initial working app (that you may or may not use. If you use the app for a study you will be required to pay relevant InsightTM use fees). 

Workshop organizer and primary presenter: Michael Businelle, PhD (see bio here). Additional experts may present on relevant topics (e.g., machine learning, cleaning intensive longitudinal datasets).

Up to 20 applicants will be accepted to attend the annual workshop. Priority will be given to post-doctoral fellows and faculty at academic institutions that aim to conduct mHealth research.

Here is a list of the 2024 Workshop attendees.

Our mHealth Services include:

  • Manage research studies and monitor participants
  • Create various types of EMAs (e.g., random, daily, participant initiated, geo-fence initiated, sensor initiated)
  • Create Just-In-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAI) using algorithms and treatment messages (e.g., text-based, video-based)
  • Prompt encrypted emails to clinic/research staff (e.g., nurses) when specific situations or symptoms are reported by participants
  • Unique message delivery when prespecified algorithm, date/time, on-demand or incoming sensor data criteria are met
  • Micro-randomized trial designs for randomization of moments to prompt (or not) specific interventions at specific times
  • Image uploader for participants to send encrypted pictures (e.g., pre-cancerous moles, tobacco advertisements).
  • Sensor data collection from several sensors (e.g., activity monitor, portable carbon monoxide monitor)
  • One-click phone call to link patients with important others (e.g., nursing staff, case managers)

Your Data is Secure

The InsightTM platform securely stores its data on Microsoft Azure, ensuring compliance with HIPAA, HITECH, and FedRAMP requirements.

“Insight has changed how our team conducts research and supported our mission to provide accessible, low-cost, clinically valid interventions to underserved community — the cutting-edge platform is highly customizable and consistently provides us the flexibility to craft effective and uniquely tailored mobile interventions for a wide range of clinical population.”

- Lorra Garey, PhD, University of Houston

Used in Studies Published in Top Journals

Our Customers



EMA Standard Rate

  • $7,500.00 for year 1, lower fees are assessed for years 2-5
  • Up to 300 total participants 
  • Includes Maintenance and Support Year 1

*OU/OUHSC/SCC contact for reduced rates

JITAI Standard Rate

  • $20,000.00 for year 1, lower fees are assessed for years 2-5
  • Up to 300 total participants 
  • Includes Maintenance and Support Year 1

*OU/OUHSC/SCC contact for reduced rates

Contact our team for pricing details on:

  • Annual maintenance and support costs for studies that last for more than 1 year
  • Creation of study app by our team (InsightTM is designed so you can create your study app)
  • Custom development of features that do not currently exist in InsightTM
  • Fixes to errors made in study design and branching logic

*OU/OUHSC/SCC contact for reduced rates