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Amy Cohn, PhD

Professor, Department of Pediatrics

Amy M. Cohn, PhD, is an Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine. She also is Co-Director of the Training Program at the TSET Health Promotion Research Center and member of the Stephenson Cancer Center and the Harold Hamm Diabetes Center.

Cohn’s research program focuses primarily on tobacco regulatory science – the science that informs tobacco product regulation and policies – to reduce tobacco use and disparities among groups that are disproportionately affected by tobacco use outcomes, including young tobacco users, racial and ethnic minoritized individuals, LGBTQ+ populations, and individuals with mental health and substance use comorbidities. The goal of her research is to identify factors that promote or impede positive behavior change, so that these factors can be targeted in policy, prevention messaging, and intervention efforts to deter initiation, prevent escalation, and maximize cessation efforts. Her research utilizes multiple methods of assessment, including epidemiological, survey-based assessment and experimental approaches, ecological momentary assessment, behavioral economic paradigms, laboratory smoking topography, and cognitive tasks.


Degree-Granting Institutions
University of Georgia, Athens, GA, PhD, 2007 Clinical Psychology

University of Georgia, Athens, GA, MS, 2005, Clinical Psychology
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, BA with High Distinction, 2001, Psychology

Postgraduate Training
Clinical Psychology Residency, Brown Medical School, Providence, RI, 7/2007−7/2008
Postdoctoral Fellowship, NIAAA T32, Center of Alcohol Studies, New Brunswick, NJ, 7/2008−05/2010


Current Funding

Cohn, A.M. (PI), Vogel, E.A. (Co-I), “Racial/Ethnic Differences in Appeal and Preference for Flavored Little Cigars/Cigarillos: A Multi-Method Approach to Inform Tobacco Policy” (sub-project within the Cancer Health Equity Research Center [CHERC])
CHERC-24-1160021-01-CHERC  – American Cancer Society, 02/01/2025-01/31/2029
Total Dollar Amount from ACS: $1680,000
Total Dollar Matched Dollar Amount for Stephenson Cancer Center: $400,000

Cohn, A.M. (MPI, contact), Romm, K.F. (MPI), “Ecological momentary assessment of daily minority stressors and cannabis and tobacco co-use among sexual minority adults”
R21MD019345-01A1-National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities, 09/21/2024-06/30/2026
Total Dollar Amount: $397,861

Vogel, E.A. (PI, contact), Cohn, A.M. (MPI), Social Comparison on Social Media, Depressive Symptoms, and Body Dissatisfaction among Adolescents” R21MH 138954-01 – National Institute of Mental Health, 08/01/2024-07/31/2026
Total Dollar Amount: $418,859

Cohn, A.M. (Consultant), “Effects of Cannabis Species Labeling and Marketing on Perceptual, Subjective and Objective Use Outcomes”
R01DA059584- National Institute on Drug Abuse

Cohn, A.M. (MPI), Oliver, J.A.(MPI), Borengasser, S.J. (Co-I), “Impact of semaglutide administration on tobacco use behavior and related mechanisms among smokers with obesity (ONSET)”
Harold Hamm Diabetes Center and Stephenson Cancer Center Team Science Grant
Total Dollar Amount: $100,000

Cohn, A.M. (PI), “Concept flavored cigars: Associations with sensory experience, subjective response, smoking topography, and flavor ban prohibitions in young adult little cigar/cigarillo users (ASPIRE)”
Presbyterian Health Foundation Bridge Grant
Total Dollar Amount: $75,000

Cohn, A.M. (Co-Investigator), (PI: Mermelstein), "Context, subjective and cognitive experiences with patterns of tobacco and marijuana co-use in young adults"
NIDA R01DA051157-01A1, 07/01/2020-6/30/2025
Total Dollar Amount: $3,743,600
Percent effort: 10%

Cohn, A.M. (Principal Investigator), "Impact of a reduced nicotine standard on young adult appear for menthol and non-menthol cigarettes"
NIDA/FDA R01DA50990-01, 05/01/2020-04/30/2023
Total Dollar Amount: $1,338,448
Percent effort: 30%

Cohn, A.M. (Principal Investigator), "Measuring young adult appear for menthol cigarettes using laboratory and intensive logitudinal methods"
NIDA/FDA R01DA046359-01, 04/01/18-04/30/2022
Total Dollar Amount: $1,310,587 
Percent effort: 35% 

Cohn, A.M. (Co-Investigator), McQuoid (PI), "Piloting a Mobile Health mixed method to understand rural cancer risk-related substance use behaviors: combining smartphone data collection with qualitative mapping"
ACS/SCC IRG-19-142-01, 01/01/2021-12/31/2022
Total Dollar Amount: $50,000
Percent effort: 0.6% (In-kind)

Cohn, A.M. (Mentor), Alexander (PI), "HealthyCells: A Culturally-Tailored Smoking Cessation Smartphone Intervention for African Americans with Adjunctive Treatment for Sedentary Behavior"
NIMHD K01 MD015295-01A1, 05/01/2021-04/30/2026
Total Dollar Amount: $670,210
Percent effort: In-kind

Cohn, A.M. (PI), "Impact of a reduced nicotine standard and menthol cigarette ban on reinforcing properties of cigarette smoking among Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) young adults"
NIDA/FDA R01DA050990-02W1, 08/01/2021-07/21/2022 
Total Dollar Amount: $100,000 
Percent effort: 5%

Cohn, A.M. (PI), Kendzor (Co-PI), "E-cigarette and other tobacco use during pregnancy using ecological momentary assessment"
University Health Authority, 05/01/19-12/31/2021
Total Dollar Amount: $75,000
Percent effort: 5% (cost-shared)

Cohn, A.M. (Co-PI), Kendzor (Co-PI), "Characterizing Cannabis Use among Adults Undergoing Cancer Treatment"
HPRC Internal Pilot Grant, 12/01/19-12/31/2021
Total Direct Costs: $50,000
Percent effort: 3% (cost-shared)

Cohn, A.M. (PI), Kendzor (MPI), "Developing a statewide survey to evaluate the impact of medical cannabis use on youth and adult substance use and health outcomes"
HPRC Internal Pilot Grant, 12/01/2019-12/31/2021
Total Direct Costs: $50,000
Percent effort: 5% (cost-shared)


Completed Funding (Past 5 years)

Cohn, A.M. (PI), "Real-Time Patterns of Smoking and Alcohol Use: A Daily Data Analysis "
Total Costs: $$145,054
09/17/2013 – 01/31/2016

Cohn, A.M. (PI), "Nicotine Deprivation and Implicit Motivational Processes of Drinking and Smoking"
R03 CA175870-01A1S1
Total Costs: $74,360

Cohn, A.M.(PI), "Appeal and attraction to menthol cigarette smoking and menthol packaging in young adults."
DC Metro Tobacco Research and Instruction Consortium (MeTRIC)
Total Costs: $30,000

Cohn, A.M. (Co-I), "Social Dynamics of Substance Use in Online Social Networks for Smoking "
PI: Graham
Total Costs: $1,259,856

Cohn, A.M. (Co-I), "Development and pilot testing of a multimodal web-based program to address heavy drinking during smoking cessation "
PI: Kahler
Total Costs: $323,614

Cohn, A.M. (PI), Characterizing comorbidities among users of
Schroeder Institute for Tobacco Research and Policy Studies
Total Costs: $65,000

Select Publications:

Cohn, A. M., Elmasry, H., Niznik, T. G. Pickworth, W., Smith, M. A., Cotten-Magaritis, W., Wyatt, R., Dunn, D., Hedeker, D., Murphy, J. G., Audrain-McGovern, J., Villanti, A. C. (in press). Racial and ethnic differences in topography and subjective effects among young adults in response to smoking their usual brand menthol or non-menthol cigarette. Clinical and Experimental Psychopharmacology.

Romm, K. F., Mermelstein, R., Vandrey, R., Hedeker, D., Cohn, A. M. (in press). Daily assessment of positive and negative cannabis use expectancies in young adult cannabis and tobacco co-users: Differences by sociodemographics, mental health symptoms, and possible cannabis use disorder. Cannabis.

Cohn, A. M., Zaring-Hinkle, B.*, Catino, J.*, Ehlke, S. J.*, Ware, K.*, Smith, M. A.*, Alexander, A. C., Jewell-Fleming, S., Queimado, M. d. L., Kendzor, D. E. (2024). Secondhand cannabis smoke exposure and respiratory symptoms among adults living in a state with legalized medical cannabis with limited smoke-free protections. Preventive Medicine Reports, 45, 102835.

Cohn, A. M., Elmasry, H., Ashare, R., Pickworth, W., Murphy, J. G., Villanti, A. C., Hedeker, D., Dunn, D., Wyatt, R., Niznik, T. G., Cotten-Margaritis, W., Smith, M. A., Ehlke, S. J., Audrain-McGovern, J. (2024). The relative reinforcing value of menthol among young adult cigarette smokers: results from a behavioral choice task. Nicotine & Tobacco Research.

Appleseth, H., Azizoddin, D. R., Cohn, A. M. (2024). The intersection of rurality, unmet treatment need, and cannabis use for adults with chronic pain. Cannabis. DOI: 10.26828/cannabis/2024/000233



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